Act with impact.
We are admist the great chance to regenerate our communities and societies and create wealth with and not against nature.
If you want to learn how, if you want to gain challenging and enriching perspectives - welcome. Join us on unfamiliar ground.
We are facing a great opportunity. The ecological, political, and social crises of today are the gateway to a new foundation for humanity, in accordance with nature. Seizing this opportunity requires effort and the willingness to transform our societies, the paradigms we live in, and ourselves.
About me
I’m Gabriel Fehrenbach. My aim is to create the path to a new foundation for humanity, in accordance with nature.
I work at the intersection of self, society, and nature to understand how we humans created our situation and how we can change it.
Through my writing and teaching, I inspire people to find their way and claim their agency, as this is the key to changing the world.
As a facilitator, I help my clients create long-lasting and far-reaching transformations and solve complex conflicts and situations.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
My guiding principles
Success is only possible if you are clear about your current situation and your desired destination. Clarity is the key, and achieving it requires the ability to be perceptive, uncover patterns and dynamics, and understand the way things are linked.
Clarity needs courage, because not every truth is welcomed. It’s the courage to speak out and to listen, to change one’s view where necessary, to make decisions, and to stay with what might be uncomfortable.
Challenging times are great opportunities, but they ask for determination and persistence. Only then can you maintain your course, overcome obstacles, and gradually build a successful transformation.
Every person has a unique gift for the world. Uncovering and unfolding this gift requires self-leadership.
My Work
Research, Consulting, Facilitation
I help you to shape your future, whether you lead an organization, build communities, or want to transform your society.
I provide orientation, supporting you by understanding crises, upheavals and the dynamics that are shaping your situation. I conduct far-reaching and complex transformations with the power and determination necessary for success. I support the resolution of complex conflicts and situations. And I help people to find their agency and ability to create the societies they wish for.
My Writing
How can we shape humanity to live according to our own principles and in accordance with nature?
That’s the question to which all of my writing is a response.
With on unfamiliar ground, I explore the connections between consciousness, society, and our situation as humans, mapping out what we should expect, and how we can come to terms with it.
The democracy letters are all about how we should live together and how we can create a democracy that’s built on everyone’s agency. And in my economic letters, I write about transformation, economy, and ecology.